Bash Script to install Magento
Bash Script to install Magento
The following SSH script will automate the process of installing Magento, with or without sample data. It will walk you through everything, and the only thing you need to setup first is the database and assign a user to the database.
Now, connect to your site via SSH, simply go to the directory where you want to install Magento.
First create a file name by running the following command.
Then, copy and paste the following code in the file
#!/bin/bash clear stty erase '^?' echo "To install Magento, you will need a blank database ready with a user assigned to it." echo echo -n "Do you have all of your database information? (y/n) " read dbinfo if [ "$dbinfo" = "y" ]; then echo echo -n "Specify desired Magento version (e.g. " read version magento_tar=magento-$version.tar.gz magento_url=$version/$magento_tar echo -n "Database Host (usually localhost): " read dbhost echo -n "Database Name: " read dbname echo -n "Database User: " read dbuser echo -n "Database Password: " read dbpass echo -n "Store URL (e.g, remember trailing slash!): " read url echo -n "Admin Username: " read adminuser echo -n "Admin Password: " read adminpass echo -n "Admin First Name: " read adminfname echo -n "Admin Last Name: " read adminlname echo -n "Admin Email Address: " read adminemail echo -n "Default Locale (e.g. en_US): " read locale echo -n "Default Timezone (e.g. America/Los_Angeles): " read timezone echo -n "Default Currency (e.g. USD): " read currency echo echo -n "Include Sample Data? (y/n) " read sample echo echo -n "Do you want to See configuration? (y/n) " read see echo if [ "$see" = "y" ]; then #statements echo echo -n "Check your configuration as follow";echo;echo echo -n "Database Host (usually localhost): $dbhost";echo echo -n "Database Name: $dbname";echo echo -n "Database User: $dbuser";echo echo -n "Database Password: $dbpass";echo echo -n "Store URL (e.g, remember trailing slash!): $url";echo echo -n "Admin Username: $adminuser";echo echo -n "Admin Password: $adminpass";echo echo -n "Admin First Name: $adminfname";echo echo -n "Admin Last Name: $adminlname";echo echo -n "Admin Email Address: $adminemail";echo echo -n "Default Locale (e.g. en_US): $locale";echo echo -n "Default Timezone (e.g. America/Los_Angeles): $timezone";echo echo -n "Default Currency (e.g. USD): $currency";echo;echo echo -n "Include Sample Data? (y/n) :$sample";echo;echo fi echo -n "Do you want to proceed with the above configuration? (y/n)" read proceed if [ "$proceed" = "y" ]; then #statements if [ "$sample" = "y" ]; then echo -n "Specify Sample Data version (e.g. 1.2.0): " read sample_version sample_tar=magento-sample-data-$sample_version.tar.gz sample_dir=magento-sample-data-$sample_version sample_sql=$sample_dir/magento_sample_data_for_$sample_version.sql sample_url=$sample_version/$sample_tar fi echo echo "Now installing Magento..." echo echo "Downloading packages..." echo wget $magento_url if [ "$sample" = "y" ]; then wget $sample_url fi echo echo "Extracting data..." echo tar -zxvf $magento_tar if [ "$sample" = "y" ]; then tar -zxvf $sample_tar fi echo echo "Moving files..." echo mv magento/* magento/.htaccess . if [ "$sample" = "y" ]; then mv $sample_dir/media/* ./media/ mv sample_sql ./data.sql fi echo echo "Setting permissions..." echo chmod o+w var var/.htaccess app/etc chmod -R o+w media if [ "$sample" = "y" ]; then echo echo "Importing sample products..." echo mysql -h $dbhost -u $dbuser -p$dbpass $dbname < data.sql fi echo echo "Cleaning up files..." echo rm -rf downloader/pearlib/cache/* downloader/pearlib/download/* rm -rf magento/ # rm -rf $magento_tar if [ "$sample" = "y" ]; then rm -rf $sample_dir/ # rm -rf $sample_tar data.sql fi echo echo "Installing Magento..." echo php -f install.php -- --license_agreement_accepted "yes" --skip_url_validation "yes" --locale "$locale" --timezone "$timezone" --default_currency "$currency" --db_host "$dbhost" --db_name "$dbname" --db_user "$dbuser" --db_pass "$dbpass" --url "$url" --use_rewrites "yes" --use_secure "no" --secure_base_url "$url" --use_secure_admin "no" --admin_firstname "$adminfname" --admin_lastname "$adminlname" --admin_email "$adminemail" --admin_username "$adminuser" --admin_password "$adminpass" echo echo "Finished installing Magento" echo echo "";echo exit else echo echo -n "Re-run Bash-Script to Refill Configuration...";echo;echo echo "";echo exit fi else echo echo "Please setup a database first. Don't forget to assign a database user!" exit fi
You, can directly download this script from Here
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